Responsible chemistry is formulae for a greener tomorrow: Vipul Shah, Dow India
Post date: Sep 10, 2013 8:29:57 AM
Chemistry is the science of evolution, whether it is through new chemistry for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, new technologies for energy conversion or new approaches to environmental protection. The chemical sciences today affect modern life in countless ways, be it cellphone microprocessors, shatter-proof windscreens, lightweight toothpaste tubes, treatment of industrial water or effluent treatment. This rising demand for chemistry, combined with depleting fossil resources and heightened sense of urgency for ecologically sustainable economic growth, has seen the devices of the modern chemical industry change and witness escalating demand for clean and green energy.
To match up to these challenges, change and innovation have been the driving forces of the industry, globally. In its efforts to drive manufacturing efficiency, it is increasingly putting a greater emphasis on how this change materialises - in make existing processes ecologically better, simplifying and reducing the process path to the product and ultimately delivering lower costs to consumers.